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jian deng (邓剑)

jian deng (邓剑)

He is a post-doctoral researcher at the Graduate School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University. It deals with digital game culture research as its main interest, and continues to publish columns on games in 闻湃澎.

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This article looks to the 8 bit gaming history in China to illuminate the Chinese gaming industry of today, one that earned 2786.87 billion yuan in 2020 (GPC et al. ) . While becoming the world's largest game market, Chinese gaming industry has also attracted worldwide attention. However, despite our fascination with the great success of the Chinese gaming industry in the 21st century, we should not forget the road ahead. Looking back on the early challenges that China's 8 bit gaming industry ever faced is an essential prerequisite for us to understand the industry’s current success. Therefore, this paper will analyze the Chinese 8 bit game and its history.


但就在这“一切朝钱看”的时代与产业环境里,名不见经传的《黑神话:悟空》(흑신화:손오공,后文简称《黑神话》)却在2020年8月20日如电影《大话西游》(대화서유)里“身披金甲圣衣、驾着七彩祥云”的盖世英雄一般横空降世,不仅搅动整个中国游戏业,甚至点燃了社会舆论对中国游戏业的期待。人们在民族主义情绪的激荡下,憧憬着古典文学《西游记》与现代科技虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine)的“邂逅”能第一次铸就伟大的中国3A游戏。

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