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호러란 무엇인가? 게임에서의 호러는 무엇이 다른가? 우리는 어떤 과정을 통해 디지털게임 플레이 속에서 공포감을 느끼고 또 즐기게 되는가?
Aska Mayer
The dark hallway I walk through seems to be deserted. I can only hear my own steps and the eerie soundscape of the cranking metal pipes surrounding me, and can barely see what lays beyond the light of my flashlight. I’m afraid, as I don’t know if something is waiting in the shadows for me. As I enter the next room, I hear heavy breathing and as the light catches a mutilated body, in between the dead and living, I feel my stomach contract from disgust.
Marc Lajeunesse
In my personal gaming history I have two distinct memories of fear. The first time I was truly scared while playing a game was during the first Resident Evil in what has become a notorious scene from the game. Though at the time Resident Evil felt more like a slower action game than a horror game, there was one key moment when the player walks down a hallway when suddenly one dog, then another bursts through the windows from the outside causing fright, disorientation, and panic. This is an example of a pretty standard jump scare in games (and other media), and though it did frighten me at that moment, I didn’t carry any greater fear of those dogs and what they represented beyond a slightly heightened anxiety while I walked the halls of Spencer Mansion.