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Kim Gyuri

Kim Gyuri

A researcher studying at Sungkyunkwan University, Department of of Korean Language and Literature, with the focus on immersive gameplay prompt from pre-existing canon versus unexpected encounterments. She is a long-time player of Bungie’s <Destiny 2> and excited for <Marathon> reboot.

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“Lies of P” (Neowiz, 2023) takes place in Krat, a fictional city inspired by the Belle Époque period in Europe. One of the game’s NPCs (non-player characters), Eugénie, is portrayed as an outsider from a distant country east of Krat. She claims to come from the so-called ‘country of the morning,’ with a visual character design that resembles East Asian ethnic groups. Perhaps this character’s story was inspired by the Joseon Dynasty, a kingdom that existed on the Korean peninsula from the 14th to 19th century, which was typified as the “Land of Morning Calm” in the West around the 18th century based on the loose translation of the country’s name in Chinese characters (朝鮮).


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주소 : 서울특별시 서초구 방배로 114, 2층(방배동)  I  등록번호 : 서초마00115호  I  등록일 : 2021.6.28

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